Serving Indiana Since 1994

Is It Illegal To Interfere With A Breath Or Blood Test For Alcohol Or Drugs?

On Behalf of | Jun 6, 2024 | DUI/DWI

Interfering with a breath or blood test for alcohol or drugs is illegal in Indiana. The law clearly prohibits actions that disrupt or attempt to alter the results of these tests.

This regulation aims to ensure accurate and reliable measurements of intoxication levels in individuals suspected of driving under the influence or involved in other criminal activities.

What the law says about interfering with breath or blood tests

According to Indiana Code Section 35-43-5-19, anyone who knowingly or intentionally interferes with a drug or alcohol screening test commits a Class B misdemeanor. Interference includes any action taken to prevent the proper administration of the test or to falsify its results. This can involve tampering with the testing equipment, providing false information or using substances that could affect the outcome of the test.

How the possession of certain devices can affect criminal charges

The law also covers the use of any device or substance designed to interfere with the test. These can include items like fake urine, additives, or mechanical devices meant to alter the results of a breathalyzer or blood test. The possession of such items indicates an intent to deceive, which the law penalizes to maintain the accuracy and reliability of drug and alcohol screenings.

The consequences of interfering with breath or blood tests

Violating these provisions can lead to serious consequences, including criminal charges and penalties. Breath and blood tests provide necessary evidence in legal proceedings involving alcohol and drug use, and any attempt to interfere with them undermines this process.

Interfering with a breath or blood test for alcohol or drugs is absolutely illegal in Indiana. The law also prohibits possessing any devices or substances intended for such interference. These measures ensure that tests remain accurate and reliable, supporting efforts to enforce laws against driving under the influence and other related offenses.
