Anyone that is currently married or thinking of being married has likely heard of or scene ads for marriage registries. After all, marriage registries have been around for decades, probably for as long as retailers have existed. However, what many have likely not heard of is the new trend, divorce registries.
Marriage registry
Marriage registries allow couples to decide what they need to help start their new life together and put those items on their registry. This can be anything from small items, like silverware, plates, bowls, etc., to large items, like furniture, appliances, etc. A newly married couple’s friends and families can then go through that list to purchase those items to be given at one’s wedding or delivered to the new couple’s home. This helps the new couple start their new life together. Traditionally, this was a much-needed practice as couples were not already living together.
Divorce registry
Unfortunately, due to the stigma still associated with divorce, no major retailers currently offer divorce registries. Though, this has not stopped creative divorcees from utilizing these retailers’ registry services. For those retailers that offer “celebration” registries, they simply use it as a divorce registry. Other though, create a traditional marriage registry, but simply duplicate their name, so it looks like one is getting married to themselves. Then, once created, it is posted on one’s social media. Then, like with the traditional marriage registry, friends and family members can help one start their new life.
Starting over after divorce
Starting over after a divorce can be overwhelming. Even if one contacted an attorney early in the process and got a fair divorce settlement, just restarting one’s life again can be daunting, especially if one has been married for years. After all, one has to find a new place, which means deciding whether to rent or buy. Then, once one has figured out where they are going to live, they have to figure out how they are going to live. This is why divorce registries can be a useful tool for new divorcees.
The takeaway
The biggest takeaway from the increasing popularity of divorce registries for Evansville, Indiana, residents is that the property division process in a divorce is likely not being adequately handled. This is why divorcing spouses should always contact an attorney to make sure that a divorce registry, if used, is only for one’s wants, not for one’s needs.